Bat Kol International Newsletter Vol.2. No.1.   3 October 2024

A message from the Chair of the BKILT

As we approach the Jewish High Holy Days we take this opportunity to send you greetings and to share with you our activities since we were last in touch, on the occasion of the 40 Anniversary of Bat Kol in March 2023.

One of the highlights of this year was Sister Maureena Fritz's visit to Canada where she launched her new book, Redeeming Jesus’ Name: Reflections of a Ninety-Year-Old Nun Living in Jerusalem to audiences in Toronto, Winnipeg and Saskatoon. (See details below.)

As we move into 2025, we share our plans for the celebration of the 60th Anniversary of Nostra Aetate, the Vatican II document that has had a significant impact on the Church’s relationship with Judaism and which has substantially assisted our own relationship and studies with Jews and Jewish biblical studies.

During the last year we have also been working to further develop our Bat Kol International website,, so that we can provide even more resources for your learning, studies and teaching.

As always, we look forward to hearing from you with any news as we continue to follow our guiding motto, "We will hear, and we will do."

May we wish you all Leshanah tovah umetukah tikateivu
[May you be inscribed for a sweet and good year.]

Julien Fradette,
Chair, Bat Kol International Leadership Team

High Holy Days dates…

Rosh Hashanah, 3 October | Yom Kippur, 12 October | Sukkot begins, 15 October.

Advance Notice – Nostra Aetate 60th Anniversary Celebrations

The 29 October 2025 is the 60th Anniversary of the promulgation of the Vatican document, Nostra Aetate, a document that was truly a “watershed” in the relationship of the Catholic Church with Judaism and other religions. Nostra Aetate No 4., which dealt specifically with the relationship of Christians with Jews, has led to significant and fruitful changes in the relationship between Jews and Christianity.

Bat Kol International is preparing a series of talks and celebrations throughout 2025,which will be recorded and shared. More information will be shared with you shortly.

Redeeming Jesus’ Name - Book launch

During the months of May and June Sister Maureena Fritz traveled across Canada to share her experiences of faith and the Church throughout her life, which she has explored in her recent book, Redeeming Jesus’ Name: Reflections of a Ninety-Year-Old Nun Living in Jerusalem.

Events were held in Toronto, Winnipeg and Saskatoon where panelists, both Christian and Jewish discussed their thoughts regarding Sister Maureena’s book.

We have recorded the events. You can access the videos here. Choose Toronto, Winnipeg or Saskatoon at top of webpage.

Sister Maureena’s book can be purchased here:
[Amazon] [WIPF & STOCK Publishers]

The Jewish and Christian Liturgical Calendar

A new edition of the Jewish and Christian Calendar for the years, 2024-2025 / Jewish Year, 5785-5786 is now available.

This free resource is available from [Click here]
Available in English and Portuguese [Br]

Bat Kol International Website

Check out the range of resources that are available on the Bat Kol International website. Register or Login (it’s free) to enter the courses page.

The Bat Kol International Newsletter is published by the Bat Kol International Leadership Team (BKILT). The BKILT is an international group of alums whose role is to encourage, promote and assist Bat Kol endeavors and activities wherever they might be in the world.

October 2024